Web Connections

Endless Integration Possibilities

From Web Connections via QYP UP

Connect QYP UP with third-party applications

To connect to workflows around the installations, real-time links are a requirement. Via the credentials of an authorized user you can view and possibly influence all data via the external application.

A web connection ensures that you can retrieve relevant data for your process from other sources. Consider, for example, links with ERP systems. Or a link to a tracking system to forward the alarms directly to the nearest service engineer.

Conversely, the web connection can ensure that third-party applications respond to validated data from QYP UP. Consider, for example, the direct reporting of malfunctions to an external service provider so that it can immediately schedule and process the report in its own administration.

Sharing data is essential. After all, we are always part of a greater whole.
Build on a powerful and robust foundation :
Develop your own customization. There are endless possibilities to integrate QYP UP into your own services. Use this solid foundation to expand customization.

The most modern techniques :
QYP UP has a REST API. This modern technology ensures carefree and future-proof integration with third-party applications.

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